Sunday, January 8, 2012

New constitution by May 28-deadline, says PM Govt effortful to complete peace process in time

Gorkha, Jan 6, Prime Minister Dr Baburam Bhattarai Friday reiterated the new constitution would be promulgated by the present deadline of the Constituent Assembly (CA), May 28.
Inaugurating the 13th convention of Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Gorkha district, the Prime Minister said, "The government is going all out for completing the peace process and delivering a new constitution by the deadline of the CA."
On army integration issue, he said that those PLA combatants opting for voluntary retirement would be seen off within a few days. "There is no need to cast doubt in this regard."
"Except for some differences over state restructuring and forms of governance, consensus has been made on almost all disputed issues related to the new constitution," Prime Minister Dr Bhattarai said.
The Prime Minister claimed that CPN-UML had tentatively agreed to the presidential system as proposed by UCPN-Maoist and observed that Nepali Congress was sticking to its old stand.
UCPN-Maoist has been advocating for an executive president directly elected by the people.
"Nepali Congress has been creating hurdles to expedite the constitution writing process as it has been clinging to parliamentary system and even refusing to accept a mixed system," Prime Minister Dr Bhattarai remarked.
Pointing out the need to take the private sector into confidence for economic prosperity; he urged the private sector to make investment and rest assured. "I have taken

risk by sealing BIPPA with India so that financial investment went up. My risk taking is for the good of the country."
Claiming that about 90 per cent people were in support of BIPPA, the Prime Minister said that he would work with the private sector. "As I have been giving my all to conclude peace and constitution writing process, I have not been able to focus on development works."
Prime Minister Dr Bhattarai maintained that a national consensus government would be formed under his leadership soon and urged all to support the present government.

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