Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Historical monuments in dire strought

Kathmandu, Dec. 27
Dozens of historical monuments and sites across the nation have been facing serious risk owing to a lack of proper maintenance and timely repair, a report of the Department of Archeology (DoA) revealed.
Shortage of funds has made the task to give facelift to the historical and archeologically important monuments across the nation, the report added.
There are different bodies such as the Ministry of Culture and Department of Archeology responsible for preservation, renovation, reconstruction of historical, archeologically significant palaces and temples. However, lack of required funds posed a constraint to carry out all works each year.
The government had allocated only Rs. 30 million for DoA for the renovation of three main temples- Muktinath, Manakamana and Ram Mandir. The amount was not sufficient for managing the beauty of historical sites for round the year, said Manju Singh Bhandari (Thapa), officer of DoA.
"Renovation or reconstruction process of temples can not complete within stipulated time due to the lack of budget," she said. It takes more time to finish the temple renovation works because of failure of receiving budget in time.
Likewise, the reconstruction works of temples has become expensive as the works related to construction of old historical temples and sites requires the used of carved wooden stone and block items. The skilled labourers too have become a rarity, which further delay the completion of renovation works.
The report showed that the historical and archeological monuments of Dadheldura have fallen in more grave risk. Dailekh and Achhan district’s historical inns and other things are reached in dilapidated condition, informed.
Ram Bahadur Kuwor, Chief of DoA, said that there are more than 50 monuments but the budget- about Rs.30, 000 per monument is not sufficient. It takes long time to renovate the temple due to lack of sufficient budget, he said. DoA has been hardily able to preserve all monuments.
DoA had categorised all monuments into three parts. Highly historical sites dating back to the Lichhavi and Mall eras are grouped in first category. Similarly, sited that dated back to 1903 B.S. are categorised in second group and other monuments are placed in third category.

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