Saturday, December 24, 2011

Timber smuggling on in SWC

Mahendrnagar, Dec. 23
The smuggling of timbre is increasing every passing day from the Shuklafat Wildlife Conservation (SWC) area.
Locals accused that the different security posts established at different points in the SWC area were rendered ineffective as several officers of SWC were in hand in glove with the timbre smugglers.
In recent times, women living around the conservation area are reported to have involved in the smuggling of timbre.
Yubaraj Regmi, officer at conservation office, agreed that the women entering the conservation were involved in the smuggling. The women are allowed to enter the area to collect forest fodder for their cattle and animals.
The smuggling of timbre has not gone down although the SWC had established some additional check posts. Currently, SWC have established check posts in 14 different locations. Earlier, there were only three check posts for the protection of conservation area where endangered animals and wild products are found in abundance.
The 14-kilometer long electric fence and poles from Majhagau to Banakatti which was set by SWC last year for the protection of wildlife were stolen.
Khadak Thapa a local said that the smuggling of woods is increasing because of the granting of permission to cut down wild grasses at different times. Smugglers usually hide the logs inside the heap of long grasses and later smuggle out the log to other parts from the SWC area.
SWC has followed different measures for the protection of timbre and wildlife of the area, Regmi said.
The office has launched various awareness programmes to the locals for the protection of SWC. He added that the smuggling could not be stopped only through the establishments of check posts until there is awareness among the locals about the importance of safety of wildlife of the areas.

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